Sunday, February 16, 2025

Research Vice chancellor


Research Vice-chancellor

Amir M. Samani Majd, Ph.D.


Academic experience:


      · Ph.D., Biological & Agricultural Engineering Department

      · M.Sc., Plant & Environmental Science + Minor in GIS (GIS Certification)

      · M.Sc., Civil Engineering, Water Resources

      · B.Sc., Civil Engineering


The Research and Technology Center holds the responsibility to offer scientific and professional guidance, in order to develop and expand the research and technology objectives. Suggesting and compiling various research regulations, scientific communications and correspondence with internal and foreign universities, cooperation in providing scientific, cultural and social services to the society through operating practical research projects, conducting scientific seminars and conferences, publishing scientific achievements, and supervising libraries, university databases and all the research issues of the university, consist the Research and Technology Center’s activities.

In addition, the center has concentrated all its efforts on a comprehensive consideration towards research and making it the basis for every matter, in order to organize scientific and research activities of the faculty members, with the ultimate objective of developing science and scientists. What we mean by making research the basis for every matter is to act and decide based on logic and scientific methods on one hand, and generalizing it to every matter on the other hand; and this means prioritizing research as the foundation in every level of the organization. The Research and Technology Center, according to its role of research policy making, makes its decisions subsequent to having consultations with the councils consisted of faculty members and other centers of the university.

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