International Office:

Common Project of Iran and Germany: DHEI and TU Dortmund

Common Project of Iran and Germany: DHEI and TU Dortmund RCCC: Responding to Climate Change Challenges

Common Project of Iran and Germany:  DHEI and TU Dortmund

RCCC: Responding to Climate Change Challenges

Phoenix See: Industrial Regeneration Project
Planning in Germany and Iran: RCCC
DHEI + TU Dortmund &  DAAD
Visiting city of Dortmund, history and recent structural change
Planning in Germany and Iran: RCCC
DHEI + TU Dortmund &  DAAD
Visiting city of Dortmund, history and recent structural change
 Planning in Germany and Iran: RCCC
DHEI + TU Dortmund &  DAAD
Visiting city of Dortmund, history and recent structural change

Planning in Germany and Iran: RCCC

DHEI + TU Dortmund &  DAAD

Teamwork in the form of 4 groups

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